Golang in under an hour (2021)

A full Golang introduction with basic + advanced syntax, and some best practices.
I also explain what's the preferred way of building concurrent Go applications !

Github Repo (Source Code):

0:00 General
4:22 Init a go project
5:49 Build a binary
6:50 Manage dependencies
7:38 Basic CLI commands
08:00 Project structure
08:40 Variables, If, else
11:01 For loops
11:45 Arrays, Slices
16:22 Maps
18:06 Structs
21:42 Anonymous structs
22:20 Functions
24:19 Receivers
25:55 Interfaces
27:56 Type checking / conversion
28:57 Pointers
31:13 Goroutines
35:45 Channels
45:20 Select
46:23 Data races
47:50 Mutexes
49:12 Preferred method of thread safety